Refreshing Perspectives
difference is not divisive in that it sustains a volatile connection between two opposed ideologies. it is through this sustained difference that we come to know ourselves more deeply, and it is something we should cultivate - petty jealousies, fights, and all.
i find this perspective refreshing.
so maybe all our sparring hasn't been in vain.
i hate girls who treat marriage and relationships as the be-all end-all solution to life especially when they don't have much to say for themselves to begin with.
i actually get REALLY annoyed when i'm forced to bear witness to all the fixtures that come with wedding announcements; planning the dream wedding, rifling through honeymoon photos (always the same, beach and more beach ... groom in a hawaiian shirt, bride in her bikini ... how so completely blah), the residual pomp and circumstance of now being a "married woman" (eye-roll ... give me a break please ...) and perhaps some follow up post-marital ranting and raving some months down the line.
but then i have to brace myself for an almost inevitable but slightly under-guaranteed: "i'm married now and i love marriage life but ... now what?"
and that's when i cringe, at the "now what?" as if now they're realizing that there must be more to life than wedding bells and husbands and marital bliss.
the mean ugly bitch in me is usually itching to say, "now get a fucking life!" ... the indifferent part of me, "sucks to be you" and then just walk away ... the friend in me?
"see ... i TOLD you so." with a sympathetic shrug of the shoulders.
i don't know what's worse ... having to shoulder people's gloom at the prospect of never getting married or sitting through the malaise and pitfalls of domesticated living.
however, i really do enjoy meeting interesting couples. people that manage to keep separate identities for themselves and still relate to people other than their partners in the tradition of conversation among friends. because no one ever wants to be stuck as the third wheel.
experience has shown me that relationships are best kept private. PDA grosses me out ... watching grown men make gurgling noises is not attractive. watching women talk like they have down syndrome is even worse.
only now am i starting to appreciate what life has to offer. meeting new people ... art, books and film ... the wonders of travel. quality time spent with my closest friends. and most of all, the food. i just love food ... so much that sometimes (and yeah i feel guilty about it sometimes) i refuse to share. sometimes you just have to know yourself and about the world enough to enjoy it.