Global Warming

unusually warm weather we're having for this month of december ...

which means we just might get drop-kicked in the months of january and feb.

i was supposed to go to union square yesterday for a not quite lunch or dinner thing but punted in favor of a burrito (this is what happens when a chipotle is within a block from you and you're already knocking the idea of taking the subway for some twenty blocks down for better food).

and then it was off to max brenner's for hot chocolate but the place was way too packed, so i opted for coffee at irving instead.

my palindromic friend and i have devised our back-up plan in preparation for her final confrontation.

part of me really resents the fact that she can be so wily at times, especially when it comes to lying to her parents. it just makes her out to be a small person when i know she's actually just scared inside.

i have never lied to my parents about being with a guy and i don't think i ever will.

well, except for the time when i was with my brother but that was because we snuck out in the middle of the night to seven eleven for midnight snacks and neither of us had our licenses.

time sure goes by so fast lately ... why, it seems like only yesterday when big bites were the highlight of any day.
